Somebody make a useful topic, now! I would, but all I do here is ridicule people when they gush over any one of the doomed NFC North teams and there is absolutely nothing here to ridicule!
Somebody tell me the Bears are going to the NFC championship so I can ridicule you, quick!
The Bears QB situation is their problem. They might as well post a question mark....instead of a number.... on the back of the guy taking the snaps. Grossman or Orton.....give me a break. The Steelers did it right......dont make Ben win...but dont let him lose you the game. Ben only throws 15 completions a game
I loved the Bears D .....until they were exposed by Steve Smith. the thought that comes to mind. 200+ one guy. Nice adustments by the D. Stellar is a word that comes to mind......fraud is another.
Now here comes the injury bandwagon.....the Bears were injured. So was every other team...but none let steve smith have his way with a tune of 200+ yards.
That's great, Taco, but there's nothing to ridicule.
This is hilarious. I'm the very one bitching earlier about how even though the NFC North is the doormat of football it's still all that we talk about here, and then the whole board gets cleared, and then guess what division I'm talking about in one of the very first new topics? Somebody ridicule me.
No Taco Bill, it's not Grossman or a 4th round rookie this time. It's Grossman or Griese. Yeah, Steve Smith went crazy on our injured D, and they still only managed to beat us by a TD thanks to 21 points that GROSSMAN drove us to. Honestly, if before the game someone told you the Bears were going to score 21 offensive points, would anyone think they would have lost that game? Especially after the ass whooping our D gave them when we met during the season?
All of our offesnive woes last year traced back to a 4th round rookie QB. Grossman comes in and we moved the ball. Can you imagine our defense after it actually gets some rest instead of the usual 3 and outs?
How can a team that returned all of it's starters, is now healthy, addressed the biggest issue (decent backup QB) during the offseason, and has an easier schedule go backwards this year? I'm not following your logic.
There is no possible way that the Bears go backwards this year.
1.) the conference is actually weaker this year
2.) the Bears focused on the 2 only weak links in their defense last year by adding dpeth to the cornerback position (though unproven yet)
3.) the Bears acquired a kick return "specialist" (because thats all that he knows how to do, but does it better than anyone I have seen in a long time)
4.) They dont have kyle cant even piss on my own shoes Orton Throwing the ball
5.) Our Backup, though injury prone has posted up decent numbers
6.) Grossman is at least not afraid to throw the ball downfield (something they didnt attempt last year with Orton, because he was a fukn train wreck with the ball)
7.) The team was relatively healthy throughout the year and should be in top shape for the start of the season (no major injuried to any key players to start the season.
8.) we should be getting back some rcvrs that showed flashes of brilliance last year...who the fuk knows with this one though
Dear god there are way too many bears fans on this forum...every conversation in here eventually returns to the, here you go, the only reason the Bears are going to make the playoffs is because they are in the worst division in football...its not very hard to go 13-3, or 12-4 when you play 6 games against sh*tbag teams like GB, Det, and Min, plus they play the NFC West (second worst division in football) and the AFC East (the third worst division in football), looks like you boys won the lottery this year...yeah, yeah, yeah, "Defense wins Championships", not since the Ravens won the SB has a team that isnt well balanced between offense and defense won the SB...yes a great defense and mediocre offense can win the SB (Tampa Bay), but a great defense and piss poor offense (DA BEARS) isnt going to cut it in today's league...Now I will sit back and wait to get slammed by all you sausage eating, deep dish pizza loving, Ditka f**king Bears fans.
-------------------------------------BREAKING NEWS-----------------------------------This just in....There are new reports of the "real reason" that Roethlisberger crashed his motorcycle.
The story has apparently evolved from a simple "Accident" into something quite sinister. We now have eyewitness reports that corroborate a disputed version of the oft reported story that A woman cut Ben off on his bike.
Apparently Ben and internet chatster Burgh1979 were Speeding through the streets pantless, giving new meaning the the sleek sport bikes affectionately called "Crotch Rockets". Locked in some sort of man on man lego type body lock, this riding technique, known as the "Steeler Stinger", or the "Suzuki Stink Stick" which we are told was created during the heyday of the steel mills by the too numerous to count lonely homosexual steel mill workers, is, as were beign told commonplace for male motorcycling Pittsburghians.
The fecal sample taken from Burgh1979's crotch region and upper lip chin and forehead matched that of the sample extracted from Ben's torn rectum. Originally, When officals arrived at the scene, it appeared as if Ben had somehow landed on a firehydrant in the melieu It quickly became evident that that initial assessment indeed was premature. The cacophany of semen, feces and blood on both Ben and internet chatster Burgh1979's lower halves further proved to confirm this. DNA testing has determined that it indeed was chatster Burgh1979's Man milk that had coated Ben's inner rectal walls.
Is that the best you can come up with? Well at least you spent some time trying to think of something to say. And you didnt mention the bears once...Good boy!
So let me get this straight, you already made fun of a man that servived a horrible motorcycle your making fun of the physically and mentally challenged...classy...but at least you didnt mention the bears while proving you are an insensitive c0cks*cker.
You are a sensitive c0cksucker. One of them real tender types. The kind every bull queer in the nation would love to ravage.
And if you are asking me to feel bad for Peter fukn Fondalisberger your incredibly courageous richeous quarterback for crashing his high powered scooter into some dumbfuks Renault Alliance...then you are sadly mistaken.
When both you and others around your rely on frangible body parts that are easily shorn at high speeds to make a fukn living then you shouldnt be riding a fukn bike. Fuk the helmet. Even if the d1ckliker was wearing a full suit of neoprene armour he would have still been hurt. So both he and you can nibble on my hemmorhoid until it explodes in your respective mouth's
Did you send him a sympathy card jacklick?
Dear Big Ben,
I hope your steely Penis (get it he he!) is ok. I love you and miss your sausage wide fingers in my man cave. I have been dipping my dingus in a pile of dog doo to remind me of you...its just not the same. By the way, you can use my Vespa scooter until you get your hog back. You know, the one you used when you were over last time to go and get more vaseline!
You seem very preoccupied with mine and Big Ben's supposed homosexuality, it makes me wonder if that is something that you would enjoy watching...GoBears, is there something you need to tell us? Did daddy touch you in your no no place? And did that in turn lead to your homosexual thoughts and wishes? Its ok to be gay these days, and in Chicago im sure its quite fashionable...
As I recall Queer as Folk is based in Pittsburgh......
Aren't you tired of the Papparazzi snapping photos of your and Ben's poo laden weiners. Hes got money, put up a privacy fence or something.
Most wondered how it is that Ben transitioned so easily from a shotgun q-back working under center......Burgh1979 Pennsylvania is indebted to your "elephant walk lego chain" technique
Seriously man, if you cant come up with anything more original than your sexual fantasies about Big Ben being gay this really isnt worth my time...yeah i get it, you think it would be funny, and oddly sexy, if Ben and I liked to f*ck...Come up with something new, come on, use that ignorant little trailer trash brain of yours and think it through before you post.
Bye, nice chatting with you...dont forget to mention your sexual fantasies about Ben Roethlisberger in whatever meeting you are attending, you should really get it out, talk it over with your friends, but for god's sake keep your dick in your pants while you are thinking these dirty little thoughts...
because of the blandness and utter lack of creativity of your posts I find myself trying desperately to stay angry over your posts. At this point they are so dumb that it is like arguing with a fukn 15 year old. I hate to go all hip hop on you, but its like Mike Tyson vs a kid in a boxing match. awwwwwwwwwwww heaw yeah oohhhhhhhhhhhh schnap no he diint.