Wow! Florio is worse than Fonzie (yes I'm getting old) when it comes to admitting he is, or may have been wrong. "I was wrrrr... I was wrrrr..."
Instead of just saying that maybe Chris Simms is tougher than he thought, since he was playing with a ruptured sleen, he has to come up with every reason why he is still right. BTW, I'm sure the accounts of Simms whimpering after being hit by Baltimore players were all very credible and accurate. But the chance of Simms playing in a great deal of pain is impossible.
You better have a seriously smoking gun to ever get Florio to say he was wrong or he'll unload his excuses and rationalizations on you in bunches...
1. Ruptured spleens aren't painful.
2. Ruptured spleens are only painful for some people.
3. Ruptured spleens are only painful some of the time.
4. Maybe the first few weeks of the season have toughened Simms up. (yeah right, he's been playing football his entire life, but a couple of games just instantly made him tough.
I've noticed Florio's difficulty admitting being wrong many, many times. Even though he has a lot of opportunities to do so, since he's often wrong. Say it with me Florio: "I WAS WRONG!" Now doesn't that feel better?