DE-Dimitrius Underwood
DE-Erik Flowers
DT-Derrick Alexander
DT-I would say Darrell Russel but he is dead, so i pick Reggie McGrew
MLB-Andy Katzenmoyer
MLB-Dan Morgan..on a roster, but its gotta be near the end for him.
OLB-Brian Bosworth
OLB-Dwayne Rudd
S-Devin Bush
S-Tom Knight
CB-Willie Middlebrooks
CB-I forget if Michael Booker is a i guess i'll give it to Chris Canty
Vanni9283 wrote: Don't forget about Mike Mamula!!! LOL!!!
derrick alexander played defensive end.
you have quite a few vikings on that list.
while underwood is worthy of this list..rudd and alexander played for many years. both played over 6 years i believe.
How about 7 of the last 10 of the Bears first round draft picks?