This just in, Madden 2008 additions to enhance the game to be more life like are:
"A player from your team may all of a sudden face criminal charges. This leads a court date, suspension, fines, possible prison time, definite community service time, and rehabilitation therapy. The charges include DUI, domestic assualt charges, drug charges, assault on police officer, or as small as public disburbances."
Okay, so this isn't true, yet. But that would be pretty funny right?
I was seriously hoping they would get more in-depth in the "superstar" mode on '07. Something like that. Go to parties, get piss drunk, get a DUI. Or kill someone. Madden Football meets Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas meets NFL Blitz. It would be awesome.
I wish there was a Kyle Turley "throw your helmet down the field and threaten to kill your coach" feature. A Love Boat feature might be nice. Fight in practice feature. Demand to be drafted by the team of your choice.
In other words, they need to spice up the game. Playmakers: The Video Game.